Nocturnal Journal

Paranormal Romance Author
Mandy M. Roth
Vampires, Werewolves & Faeries...Oh My!
Monday, February 26, 2007
Round 4…

Believe it or not but the Roth household has been struck yet again by some sort of stomach bug. My youngest has it coming out both ends. The poor kid sits up and the next thing he knows, he needs his mom to bathe him and scrub whatever he was on because it's covered in everything you can imagine. I'm really at a loss as to what to do. Since xmas we've been nailed four times with stomach bugs of some kind or another. I'm an absolute freak about wiping things down and hand washing. Still, we've been hit hard. It seems like we're struck again before we can all get on our feet from the last go round.
Is it a horrible year for it all or am I imagining it?
Please tell me I'm not alone. I barely have skin left on my knuckles. LMAO

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posted by mandymroth @ 7:02 AM  
  • At 12:30 PM, Blogger Nancy Henderson said…

    I have my third cold/broncitis whatever it is this year. It's awful. My family just keeps passing it around. Hope your little one's feeling better!

  • At 1:19 AM, Blogger Missy Sue said…

    We have been hit the same way, although the puking bug didn't come until two weeks ago, lol. Now my son is in there coughing and asking me for a tissue, go figure!

  • At 8:40 PM, Blogger Michelle Pillow said…

    Ah, poor things!

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